Urban Planning Law Ordinance of Cantabria
Urban Planning
Paisatges en transformació
Intervenció i gestió
Landscape & imagination
Landscape as a framework
Planning a coastline
Seminario Internacional
Territorial planning
Cuadernos del territorio
Close to the Edge
Landscape is a medium
The integrated governance of the coast
Cuadernos del territorio
Method, development and management
Ciudad y Territorio
New perspectives for landscape
Sustainable Development
Integrated Management of Coastal Areas
The Galician Coastal Management Plan
Post-Speculative City
Spanish coastal landscapes after the speculative tsunami
Integrated coastal management
Crisis y territorio
The Galician Coastal Management Plan
O territorio
O norte
Soñando nuevas luces
Urban Visions
Intengible values of landscape
Urban Visions
New perspectives for landscape in urban planning
Urban Visions
Mapping Urbanism, Urban Mapping
Urban Visions
Urban Resilience. Towards global sustainability
Europan España Results
Productive Cities and Resilient Landscapes
JIDA’18 VI Conference of Teaching Innovation in Architecture
Learning from landscape: Time as an element of renaturalization of the city
GeoUrbanismos II: Cartography of the affections (Cityfollowers)
Verde Begoña
UNDO! Desurbanizar
Diseñando la resiliencia
rita_11 - Indexed journal of academic texts
The reinvention of the coast. Designing resilient landscapes.
The Reinvention of the Coast
2100: Climate change scenarios of the metropolitan coast of Barcelona
Generative landscapes. From control to the wild through resilient design
From risk to resilience. Towards the design and adaptive management of the landscape.
Quality study for the resilient design to the effects of climate change in the southern Hemidelta del Llobregat.