Place: Galicia
Date: 2012-2015
Developer: Xunta de Galicia
Design/direction: Miriam García García & Manuel Borobio Sanchiz
Team: Ángel Menéndez Rexach, Gonzalo Méndez, Alberto Santos, Instituto de Estudios del Territorio de Galicia and Secretaría General del Mar
The content and objective of the Plan is to establish the criteria for the location and construction of facilities for the coastal marine farming. It is a masterplan for the entire coast of Galicia, but it also acts as a framework for the integration in the landscape of such constructions.
It is a strategic document which does not propose specific sites, but a framework where areas suitable for such a use can be implemented. It is a dynamic plan, a way to make new spatial planning. It simultaneously addresses the fragility of the environment and the technical requirements of the aquaculture activities.