Two expert studios in urban planning are going to draw the future of Santander [El Diario Montañés]
Two expert studios in urban planning are going to draw the future of Santander [El Diario Montañés]
Santander presents its city model from the point of view of regenerative urbanism [Ayuntamiento de Santander]
Santander looks forward to the environment and neighborhoods as a model for facing an "increasingly disjointed and dismembered" city [El Faradio]
Santander opens its proposal of 'City Model' to public information for the next two months [El]
Santander opts for regenerative urbanism in its city model [Cadena SER]
Santander apuesta por un modelo de "ciudad en 15 minutos" [COPE]
Santander opts for regenerative urbanism starting from neighborhoods as a city model [IFOMO]
LANDLAB has participated in the project to reactivate the banks of the Somes River [Arquitectura Viva]
Santander, Future Habitat: all services within a 15-minute walk [El Diario Montañés]
Ecological Margin: Crisis or Collapse? [MEXTRÓPOLI. Architecture and City Festival]
Publicaction of the book: The metamorphosis of the coast
Cala Millor
Beaches in extinction [Informe semanal]
Conversation with Daniel Navas [ETSAB. Urbanism and Landscape I]
Cuidemos las playas (Let's take care of the beaches), Efecto Doppler [Radio 3]
Conference on Urban Planning organized by the Central Society of Architects
We have exceeded the limits of biodiversity loss (La Nueva España)
Conference: 'The landscape as a tool for interpreting the territory of Navarre'
Is it possible to re-humanize cities? Podcast: Generation of the Future
Presentation of the Mataró Urban Agenda 2030
Europe will subsidize the 'LIFE Adapt Cala Millor' project (Diario de Mallorca)
Port of the Future. A proposal for reflection on present and future port infrastructures
Transforming playgrounds to mitigate the effects of climate change in schools
Meeting in Nules of the municipalities affected by the Coastal Law (Castellón Plaza)
What type of coastline is most suitable for Nules?
Presentation of the new green axes and squares of the Barcelona Superblock (Barcelona City Council)
LANDLAB and Paisaje Transversal to draft the Santander City Model
LANDLAB and Paisaje Transversal winners of the competition for the Santander City Model (El
LANDLAB and Paisaje Transversal winners of the contest for the Santander City Model for the next 30 years (El Faradio)
Interview on the future of the City of Santander (El Faradio)
LANDLAB and Paisaje Transversal in charge of Santander's new City Model (El Diario Montañés)