We work in complex environments and on a wide range of scales, from region to place. We integrate ecological systems with technology, design and place, involving the different agents in the design and maintenance process.

Ecology and landscape are the engine of change in all our projects, which in a very special way focus on two of the great contemporary crises: climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

It is about favoring the ecosystem services of the landscapes, be they urban, peri-urban or rural. In other words, environmental services are the benefits that people obtain from nature. And specifically the regulation services offered by ecosystems that refer to ecological processes that improve, or in some cases make possible, our life (improvements in air quality, climate regulation, regulation in the water cycle, control of erosion, maintenance of soil fertility, waste recycling and wastewater purification, disease and pest control, pollination and damage reduction from natural events.

In relation to climate change, we work on both mitigation and adaptation. An adequate selection of species favors the capture of CO2 promoting the functioning of the places as carbon sinks. On the other hand, in the field of adaptation to climate change our work also includes research in the national and international framework. In this context, the design of resilience, of adaptive regenerative landscapes is based on the use of measures and structures based on nature. From SUDs in the urban environment, to walls and living walls in fluvial and coastal environments. Today we can say that we have a wide range of resilient design strategies and tools capable of being adapted to the needs of each place and evolving according to the effects of climate change.

In our designs we maximize the ecological variability of the places. For this we use resistant and wild herbaceous, arboreal and shrub species, adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the place and mostly native species to attract local fauna. Thus the dynamic nature of these designs compensates for the progressive density and lack of biological diversity of many contemporary landscapes. We pursue that our urban landscapes become key pieces for the urgent environmental transformation necessary to combat the loss of biodiversity on the planet and contribute to the well-being and health of the whole world.

On the other hand, it is important to also recognize the cultural services of ecosystems since these are non-material values ​​or benefits that are obtained from nature through personal or spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, the enjoyment of nature, aesthetic pleasures offered by the ecosystems themselves, etc. For this reason, our works incorporate the phenomenological, spiritual, educational, recreational, aesthetic, patrimonial and scientific dimension of the landscape. At the same time, and in a very special way, we not only focus on the design, but also on the maintenance and management of landscapes in such a way as to promote neighborhood ties between communities, as well as biophilia.

Pl. Ausiàs March 1, 4-9  08195 Sant Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona (Spain) | + 34 935 298 533 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  Linkedin

Miriam García García

PhD in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planner, founder and Director of LAND LAB, Landscape Laboratory S.L., office based in Barcelona. I collaborate from the studio in different projects aimed at the promotion and development of spatial planning, landscape, urban design and its adaptation to climate change. Many of these works have national and international recognition such as the Prize of the XII Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Urbanism or Good Practice 2012 of the Un-Habitat Committee. In addition to this professional experience, I worked in the public administration of the Government of Cantabria, heading the Directorate General for Urban and Regional Planning, at the beginning of my professional career (2003-2007). 

I combine professional practice with research and teaching on both sides of the Atlantic. I have been a researcher, guest professor and lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard (US), Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and Universidad de los Andes (CO); Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (DO), the University of Rome La Spienza and the Politecnico di Milano (IT); and the University of Cyprus (UCY), the Master of Landscape Architecture at the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (CAT), as well as in several Spanish universities. I have directed the Landscape Architecture Degree at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid. I am currently a professor in the Master's Degree in Landscape Design at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (CO), in the Master's Degree in Urbanism and Territorial Studies at the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública de Madrid (ES) and in the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning at the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (CAT). I am also a member of the Climate, Energy and Marine Infrastructures of the Hydraulic Institute of the University of Cantabria.

My research and professional practice are linked to landscape and ecology as motors of change for plans and projects at multiple scales. In this sense, many of the studies and projects focus on the resilience of coastal, urban, or metropolitan environments to the effects of climate change. My doctoral thesis: Towards the synthetic metamorphosis of the coast. Designing Resilient Landscapes (2017) has been awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Prize of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (academic year 16/17), an Honorary Mention in the 2nd Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize (2019), selected to form part of the Spanish pavilion at the 16th Architecture Biennale held in Venice in 2018, and the prize of the 12th edition of the Biennial Architecture Thesis Competition of the Arquia Foundation (2019). Author of numerous articles in national and international books and scientific journals. I collaborate in numerous research projects and socio-ecological activism, such as European Ideas Lab. 

I am also a Member of the European Commission's Climate Neutral and Intelligent Cities Assembly and of the Scientific Committee of Europan Europe, furthermore I am consulting to different organizations in planification processes and  resilient adaptation for cities and regions to the climate change effects. 



Jordi Miró Rábago

Jordi Miró Rábago studied architecture at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), where he finished his studies in October 1992, specializing in structures. Just after finishing his studies, he joined GPO Engineering where he worked for 12 years (1992-2004) and where he became head of the architecture department. The first 6 years of working in engineering he was dedicated exclusively to the world of health care. The rest of the years he was author and director of works in various uses (residential, public residential, commercial, educational, penitential, infrastructure, industrial).

In 2005 he left engineering and founded his own architectural firm, Jordi Miró Arquitectura & Management based in Sant Cugat del Vallès. In 2012, as a result of the experience accumulated over 20 years of professional practice and a process of awareness, training and specialization in sustainability and energy efficiency, JORDI MIRÓ Arquitectura Sostenible was born. During these 17 years he has been author and director of works of both facilities and residential buildings, both public and private and both individual and collective.

Lately he has specialized in the collective residential field, both hotels and residences for the elderly and students. The main works carried out are the DomusVI Bonanova residence for the elderly in Barcelona, the Midtown tourist apartments in Barcelona, The Corner Hotel in Barcelona, the Seventy Hotel in Barcelona, the DomusVI Terrassa residence for the elderly and two other residences for the elderly in Barcelona.

In 2021 JORDI MIRÓ Arquitectura Sostenible merges with LANDLAB. Since then, Jordi Miró Rábago is a new partner of LANDLAB and assumes the direction of the Department of Architecture and Urbanization.

In this new stage one of the main objectives is to promote sustainable and efficient construction, with strategies for the reduction of energy demand from the implementation of passive architecture concepts, developing from energy certification to the seals that focus the entire life cycle (LEED type, etc.) to achieve the most ambitious global environmental quality standards throughout the life cycle of the building (NZIB: Nearly Zero Impact Building) in the vectors of energy, water, materials and waste.)

In the same way, we practice Sustainable Urbanism with the least possible impact on the environment and the territory, consuming the minimum of resources and energy and generating the minimum of waste and emissions. From the economic point of view without committing more economic resources than strictly necessary, and socially, responding to the social demands of their environment, improving the quality of life of the population and ensuring citizen participation in the design of the project.



Javier García

Architect graduated by ETSAB-UPC.















Pere Marieges

Architect graduated by ETSAB-UPC

Master degree student in Architecture ETSAV-UPC














Anna Díez

Architect graduated by ETSAB-UPC

Master degree in Architecture by ETSAB-UPC

 Degree in Dramatic Art by Institut del Teatre. 













Laura Oliver

Architect graduated by ETSAB-UPC

Double master degree in Architecture and Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment by ETSAV-UPC














Noemí Macià

Architect graduated by ETSAV-UPC

Double master degree student in Architecture and Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment by ETSAV-UPC 













Ariadne Sabater

Degree in Geogrpahy, Environment and Land Planning by UAB.

Master student in Geoinformation by UAB.















Becarios y colaboradores:

Ainhoa Elissalde, Angelo Stenek, Begoña Castañón, Carolina Fiallo, Caroline Nogueira, Carlos Barbero, Charles Roitel, Clara Guillot, Claudia Bescós, Cristina Morata, Dallely Cancino, Daniel LeBourhis, David Sanchez, Dilara Kus, Domenico Bianchini, Eugenia Raigada, Hanyin Ma, Ibon Doval, Irem Papila , Jeroni Mach, Jesús Cereceres, Joan Suñé, Laura Ciriano, Lena Cissé, Manuel Esteban Álvarez, Marc Vendrell, María Moure, Maria Sans, Michele Falco, Miguel González, Nuria Fors, Paola Cuitiva , Paz Artiagoitia, Ramona Maria Fernandes,  Ranqi Zheng, Rocío Barraquer, Sahar Karimzadeh, Sara Ingignoli, Sathika Jienjaroonsri, Sebastian Ballan, Yaxin Guo.

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