The metamorphosis of the coast


«La metamorfosis de la costa» "The metamorphosis of the coast" 1st PRIZE, Biennal Architecture thesis competition Arquia Foundation in 2019

Book publication about Miriam Garcia's tesis  (LANDLAB) first prize in Arquia Biennale architecture thesis.


"An era known as the Anthropocene, whose most emblematic crisis is global warming, commonly known as climate change. In this global context, the unavoidable adaptation of the coasts to climate change must be accompanied by a radical transformation of the conceptual framework in which the modification of the coastline has taken place through the plans and projects undertaken in recent centuries. To show how this metamorphosis of the coast should be, several proposals are developed in which current models are compared with new ones, while conceptual proposals are formulated that serve as a germ for future coastal structures and typologies."

To see the full article click here.